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Friday, September 05, 2008

1st week of school

A Little about My School - The Butterfly School
Elliot will be attending The Children's Day Out Program, 3X a week, 5hrs a day, starting this September. When meimei arrives, I feel that it might be a good idea to send him to school so I can concentrate taking care of meimei. It might also be good for him to learn to socialise with other people like his teachers and classmates, have a more stimulating environment for a couple of hours a week, rather then staying at home and watching sesame streets everyday.

1st day of school
Elliot cried after we left him in school. Probably not too used to being without us with him for the 1st time. My heart was broken when I went back to school after an hr to see how he was doing, even though deep inside I knew this is going to be good for him and knowing him, he'll love school very much once he get used of it. I stayed in the school compound to watch him, in case he was so upset that the teachers felt that it might be a better idea to bring him home early. I hid in corners and staircases so he won;t be able to see me. Even managed to catch a glimpse of him havng his lunch. Though Elliot did cried, which seemed pretty normal for a child who has nv been away from his parents, he did well for the 2nd half of the session and I didn't even need to bring him home early. Got to know from his teachers that Elliot was able to feel better during music lesson and after that, all was a breeze. When I picked him up, he was abit blur as he just woke up from his nap. Overall it wasn't too bad an experience for a 1st day in school and I can hope that tomorrow will be a better day for him.

2nd day of school
Cried when I left him in school. In fact when I reached the school carpark, he was already whining. He closed his eyes when I dragged him into the classroom. Teachers had to soothe him with cookies and music. Went to check on him again after an hr. he was doing well already. Btw when I was there, no other parents are there to see their kids. So it was a little awkward for me, but i couldn't care so much as I just wanted to make sure he was doing fine in school. When I returned to pick him after school, he ran to me the moment he saw me at the door and started whining and crying. Refused to step into the classroom again to pick up his backpack. He is doing better, but hopefully there'll be no more tears soon.

3rd day of school
Still very reluctant to go to school. Whined and cried when we were outside the classroom. Though reluntant, I felt that he didn;t resist as much as before. Maybe he knows that school is fun but just unwilling to part with Mummy?

It was school T-shirt day, and Elliot was in his school T-shirt. Looking happy in the morning cos he didn't know he will be attending school today :p


Double Ls and Mommy said...

Elliot kor kor cannot cry ok. Next time, Laetitia also wanna go school coz I can make lots of friends, eat cookies and show off my school bag!! hahahaha!!!

flower that blooms in adversity... said...

my darling is so ke ai. Grow up so fast... everytime i see him, my heart melts

auntie jen

Anonymous said...

Laetitia meimei, After 5 days in school, I never cry already. Cos I realise its fun to be in school, not to mention the yummy snacks we have everyday :) And yes, ur mummy will hav to get u a backpack for school and u can show it to everyone u know. I can even say "backpack" now!

melissa said...

jenny, I cannot believe it too. When did he start growing up huh?! How come I never realise? and btw he is melting school teachers' heart now, his teacher has been telling me she wanto bring him home!