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Thursday, October 09, 2008

While Mummy is away...

From Mummy:
As meimei will be arrving soon, I am really worried that Elliot's Dad would be clueless about what to feed Elliot, how to pack his lunch for school, what time he naps.. etc when I am away in the hospital. So I typed out a Elliot's Everyday Guide - A Survival Guide especially for my dear husband, hoping that he would be able to refer to it whenever he needs and save him some of Elliot's unnecessary meltdowns.

The manual is basically about
1) Elliot's meals: what he would usually eat as he is becoming more and more picky during meals. what to pack for his lunch when he goes school...etc

2)his milk/snack time: how to much to make for his milk...

3) nap/sleep time

4) the items that needs to be in his backpack for school.. etc

So I am crossing my fingers... hoping all will be well when I am away :)

1 comment:

Double Ls and Mommy said...

Auntie Mel, don't worry lah. Daddies can be of great help when they are being 'forced' sometimes.

When my Mommy was out-stationed for 5 days, she was dead worried about leaving me with the new maid. Daddy stepped up the challenge by bathing me, changing me into pretty outfits before whisking us off in a breeze to pick Mommy up from the airport. Mommy was so impressed that she can't stop going "WOWWWW!!!!".

So have confidence with Uncle Ed!